Illusion of choice!

Arush Sharma
2 min readJul 10, 2021

Owning stuff was simple in the past. We went to the store paid money and took the product with us back home. We could do whatever we wanted with the things we owned as those things belonged to us.

Over time, we’ve seen a paradigm shift in the way we own things & soon enough the idea of owning things might become obsolete.

We’ve heard how millennials prefer experiences over physical goods compared to their predecessors. Everything we’ve considered a product has now become a service. Starting from transportation, accommodation, food, and all the things we need in our daily lives.

We can rent my apartment & all the furniture & home appliances in it. Many people use company-issued gadgets or rely on electronics rentals. You can sign up for subscription-based meal service. To get around, there are numerous options too.

Not owning things has become easier as we have fewer commitments, less responsibility, and the freedom to bail whenever we want.

But there’s also a big problem.

When we don’t own anything, we’re trading freedom for convenience. We agree to live a life defined by someone else’s terms. We might be able to opt out now, but that’s going to be increasingly difficult.

As technology advances, all we’ll have is an illusion of choice.

